album  (12 Slides)     [Page 1 of 1] :: Jump To  
Decoration * Det sidste fra min lille altan en lille rose i midten og lidt andet godt rundt om håber på masser af blomster igen næste år. The last from my balcony a little rose in the middle and other beauties around. I hope many flowers again next year. * 2592 x 1944 * (614KB)
mother-in-law's tongue. Sansevieria trifasciata * Svigermors skarpe tunge en simpel plante som er meget enkel og kræver ikke så meget. mother-in-law's tongue a simple plant very simple and does not demand muth care. Latin: Sansevieria trifasciata * 1944 x 2592 * (625KB)
Fern. Pteridophyte plants * Bregne fås overalt god til vådrum. Fern you get them everywhere and are good for wet rooms. Latin: pteridophyte plants * 2592 x 1944 * (673KB)
Orchid. Phalaenopsis * Orkide får lidt skygge ude i mit køkken. Orchid  get some shadow in my kitchen. This plant in Latin: Phalaenopsis * 2592 x 1944 * (580KB)
Orcid close on * Orkide blomsten tæt på. The orcid flower close on * 3888 x 2592 * (3.47MB)
  mother-in-law's tongue. Sansevieria trifasciata  
  Fern. Pteridophyte plants  
  Orchid. Phalaenopsis  
  Orcid close on  
Cactus * Kaktuser har jeg kun få af og nok det bedste. En gang havde jeg en samling på 52 stykker så måske nok bedst at holde lidt igen. Cactus have only few of them and think its the best. Did ones have a collection of more than 52 of them so maby its the best to hold on with only few. * 2592 x 1944 * (864KB)
white flower * En hvid blomst fra stuen. A white flower from sitting room * 3888 x 2592 * (2.39MB)
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana * Brændende kærlighed. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana * 3888 x 2592 * (3.1MB)
Chrysanthemum * Krysantemum. Chrysanthemum * 3888 x 2592 * (3.04MB)
Me with a banana * Har prøvet meget i mine unge dage og en af de ting er at passe en masse bananer og andet godt i Angola. I did try alot in young age one of the things was take care for alot of bananas and other things like that in Angola. * 2048 x 3072 * (395KB)
  white flower  
  Kalanchoe blossfeldiana  
  Me with a banana  
Papaya * Papaya en dejlig frugt. En rigtig kender som mig ved den kun smager bedst i 2 dage og den skal være høstet på det rigtige tidspunk. Papaya a lovely fruit. A expert like me know it taste best only two days and have to be harvest the right moment. * 2048 x 3072 * (393KB)
garden center * Have center var ikke der så ofte da jeg havde andet jobs, men kan da altid lide at se på folk der arbejder. Garden Center was not there very often did also have other jobs to do. But to look at people that works is also funny. * 3072 x 2048 * (455KB)
  garden center  
Album last updated on 2/17/08 11:01 PM
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