Album med nye fotografier/
Albums with new photos
Zoologisk Museum 2009
dag/Family day 2009
Sorø Akademi
Jacob´s foedseldsdag 2009. -- Jacobs Birthday 2009
Fars flyttedag. -- My dads move to new home
(20.06.2009/20 june 2009)
Kort tur
på Fyn. -- Funen short trip (21.06.2009/21 june 2009)
fødselsdag 2009. -- Marks Birthday 2009.
København bådtur 2009.
-- Copenhagen boat trip 2009
Rosenborg slot 2009. -- Rosenborg
castle 2009.
Rodkilde domkirke 2009. -
Roskilde cathedral 2009.
airshow 2009
Nye og gamle fotos fra scanner. -- New and old photos from scanner
Mix 2009
11 okt. 2009/11 oct. 2009
En ændring i Nye og gamle fotos fra scanner og forberedelser på at
lægge flere fotos i album/--/A change in New and old photos from
scanner and a prepare to get more photos inside the album
26 Sep New album
Roskilde airshow 2009
24. sep new album
Roskilde cathedral
sep 2009 New album
Et Lille billede af mig. A small picture of me.
Små citater/ Small quotations
- The best and
lovely coffee is only the best together with other lovely coffee
drinkers! In love to the coffee and the kind people
All Photos are with copyrights and not legal to use
without my permission.
Diverse andre foto album/
various other photo album
Angola 1992
Ferie sommer
Holiday summer 2007
Blomster/ Flowers
Stearinlys. Candlelight
Randers regnskov
Nattebilleder/Night shoots
forår 2008/
Paris spring 2008
Mormor sommertur 2008. Grandmother summer trip
Moensted kalkgruber
Jul 2008/ Christmas 2008
Blandet/Mixed 2007 - 2008